

Rumensin acts by manipulating the microbial population of the rumen to improve the efficiency of feed digestion. This in turn increases the energy available for milk production and growth/body condition. The product consistently improves the efficiency of production across a wide range of environments from pasture based to feedlots. It improves measures associated with energy metabolism and is also an effective bloat control and coccidostat.

Rumensin is a proven and cost effective way to improve the performance and health of your herd throughout the lactation. The recent meta-analysis (review of 36 papers & 77 trials) of this product revealed the following:

  • Increased milk yield (.7L) or 2% improvement
  • Decreased DMI (.3kg) or 2% decrease
  • Milk protein yield (2%) improvement
  • Milk fat yield – no significant difference
  • Improved weight gain (1%)

Duffield, T. F., J. K. Merrill, and R. N. Bagg. 2012. Meta-analysis of the effects of monensin in beef cattle on feed efficiency, body weight gain, and dry matter intake. J. Anim. Sci. 90:4583-4592.

Duffield, T. F., A. R. Rabiee, and I. J. Lean. 2008. A meta-analysis of the impact of monensin in lactating dairy cattle. Part 1. Metabolic effects. J. Dairy Sci. 91:1334-1346.

Duffield, T. F., A. R. Rabiee, and I. J. Lean. 2008. A meta-analysis of the impact of monensin in lactating dairy cattle. Part 2. Production effects. J. Dairy Sci. 91:1347-1360.

Duffield, T. F., A. R. Rabiee, and I. J. Lean. 2008. A meta-analysis of the impact of monensin in lactating dairy cattle. Part 3. Health and reproduction. J. Dairy Sci. 91:2328-2341.


FLAVECO™5 contains flavophospholipol, an antibiotic with potent growth promotion properties that has been developed exclusively for nutritional use. It has been used for over 25 years worldwide to improve growth rates and feed conversion efficiency in poultry, pigs, piglets, calves, cattle and fur bearing animals. It is used solely as a performance enhancer and not as therapeutic agent.

The benefits of using a flavophospholipol:

  • Use is approved with all classes of cattle, including calves.
  • Provides an increased rate of weight gain and improved feed conversion efficiency.
  • Improves digestion of high fibre diets.
  • It has a significant safety profile with one of the widest safety margins of any performance product.
  • The nil withholding period and therefore can be fed to stock right up until time of slaughter.
  • Highly palatability, so there is no refusal by the stock.

FLAVECO™5 is a cost effective tool to improve nutrient supply and profitability by positively influencing rumen fermentation patterns in ways that other performance products can’t.

In dairy cattle, flavophospholipol has increased milk yields, protein content, butterfat levels and cow fertility and reduced somatic cell counts.

FLAVECO™5 Datasheet


Biotin is a water soluble B vitamin. Biotin is an important intracellular cementing substance and for keratinisation to improve the hardness of a cows hoof and horns. In effect Biotin helps to minimise foot related problems that can impair the cow’s mobility and health. Lameness can be of major economic loss not only directly in milk production but in the longer term costs associated with fertility and culling. The results of these studies and obvious field responses have lead to inclusion of biotin in all our feeds.

Biotin also has the added benefit of having a positive effect of production and dry matter intake.

  • Increase in DMI (.7 -.87kg/d)
  • Increase in milk production (1.29 – 1.66kg/d)
  • Fat & Protein yield increased however not significant

Chen, B., C. Wang, Y. M. Wang, and J. X. Liu. 2011. Effect of biotin on milk performance of dairy cattle: A meta-analysis. J. Dairy Sci. 94:3537-3546.

Lean, I. J. and A. R. Rabiee. 2011. Effect of feeding biotin on milk production and hoof health in lactating dairy cows: A quantitative assessment. J. Dairy Sci. 94:1465-1476.

Biotin for dairy cows: Hoof health and milk production

Avalia®4 (Organic Trace Minerals)

Availa 4 is a unique blend of four essential trace minerals; Zinc, Copper, Cobalt and Manganese. Each mineral is bound to a single amino acid complex that acts to enhance transport of the mineral through the gut wall and into the blood. The Availa minerals can be beneficial in overcoming a sub clinical level of mineral deficiency. Changes in the Australian forage base and the solid findings from our meta-analysis compelled inclusion of these in our diets.

We examined all the world literature on the Zinpro minerals and found the following benefits from feeding these organic minerals at recommended doses:

  • Improved milk production (1.1kg/day)
  • Increased fat and protein concentration (.04% fat, .03% Prot)
  • Fewer days to first service (4) and 13 fewer days open.

Rabiee, A. R., I. J. Lean, M. A. Stevenson, and M. T. Socha. 2010. Effects of feeding organic trace minerals on milk production and reproductive performance in lactating dairy cows: A meta-analysis. J. Dairy Sci. 93:4239-4251.


Availa®Zn (zinc amino acid complex) is a nutritional feed ingredient for animals that contains organic zinc. The trace mineral zinc is required by animals for numerous functions including: immunity, reproduction, skin and hoof integrity, muscle development, milk production and eggshell quality. In addition, when an animal has the proper balance of trace minerals it is better able to cope with the challenging effects of stress.

Availa-Zn, from Zinpro Performance Minerals®, is built on a unique, patented molecule that consists of one metal ion bound to one amino acid ion – called a metal amino acid complex. Zinpro Performance Minerals are the most bioavailable trace minerals on the market, which means more of the minerals are absorbed by the animal to deliver their full benefit. For 40 years, Zinpro Performance Minerals have delivered positive animal performance responses and a strong return on investment in operations around the world.

Rabiee, A. R., I. J. Lean, M. A. Stevenson, and M. T. Socha. 2010. Effects of feeding organic trace minerals on milk production and reproductive performance in lactating dairy cows: A meta-analysis. J. Dairy Sci. 93:4239-4251.


Levucell SC is a rumen specific live yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae strain 1077.  Levucell SC is a specific live yeast strain fed for its beneficial probiotic effect on rumen fermentation.

The rumen specific live yeast has been selected to:

  • Raise rumen pH
  • Improve fibre digestion
  • Create a more anaerobic environment in the rumen
  • Early development of the rumen

Levucell SC is fed to optimize rumen conditions and enhance rumen fermentation; it has positive effects on fibre digestibility and rumen pH.

Levucell yeast acts via three ways:

  • Scavenges oxygen making the rumen more anaerobic
  • Outcompetes lactic acid producers minimising lactic acid production
  • Decreases lactic acid by stimulating growth of lactate consuming organisms.

The result of this is to raise pH and stabilise rumen function, enhance fibre digestion and increase microbial yield.

A recent meta-analysis showed:

  • Improvement in milk production (+0.9 kg animal/day)
  • Improvement of feed efficiency (+0.05 litre of milk/kg of dry matter intake)

de Ondarza, M. B., C. J. Sniffen, L. Dussert, E. Chevaux, J. Sullivan, and N. Walker. 2010. Case study: Multiple-study analysis of the effect of live yeast on milk yield, milk component content and yield, and feed efficiency. Prof. Ani. Sci. 26:661-666.



Lutrell is a high quality source of specific fats, the conjugated linoleic acids, which are essential fatty acids and essential for reproductive performance. Lutrell is supported by very strong studies showing reproductive benefits and others showing improved body mass retention around calving.

de Veth, M. J., D. E. Bauman, W. Koch, G. E. Mann, A. M. Pfeiffer, and W. R. Butler. 2009. Efficacy of conjugated linoleic acid for improving reproduction: A multi-study analysis in early-lactation dairy cows. J. Dairy Sci. 92:2662-2669.


Product Sheet
BIOCHLOR is a feed additive developed for use in the close-up dry cow. It is a unique source of dietary protein, containing peptides, amino acids and ammonia nitrogen, formulated specifically for use by rumen bacteria. At the same time, BIOCHLOR provides the cow with a palatable, metabolically effective source of dietary anions.

The purpose of feeding BIOCHLOR is three-fold:

  1. As a source of high quality rumen degradable protein that provides a steady state of nitrogen supply for the rumen microbial populations.
  2. To provide anions for effective ‘acidification’ and subsequent prevention of metabolic diseases.
  3. To stimulate dry matter intake in the late pregnant dry cow which is critical for transitional success.

BIO-CHLOR helps minimize costly metabolic disorders for increased postpartum performance. It’s a safe, palatable anion-source that lowers DCAD to optimal levels of -8 to -12 in close up rations. BIOCHLOR helps mobilize calcium from bones to bloodstream, leading to improved health after calving and maintained DMI while enhancing earlier peak milk.

When fed at least 21 days prepartum, research and field trials confirm BIOCHLOR delivers:

  • 17 lbs./cow/day peak milk increase over the five weeks postpartum
  • 84.6% reduced incidence of milk fever
  • 71% reduced incidence of uterine infections
  • 65.9% reduced incidence of retained placenta
  • Improved protein and feed digestibility for more available nutrients and reduced dietary protein

Prepartum benefits

  • Helps establish negative DCAD levels
  • Prepares rumen for lactating ration
  • Maintains DMI to avoid off-feed issues, which can lead to acidosis

Postpartum results:

  • Promotes overall fresh cow health
  • Reduces metabolic disorders
  • Increases milk fat and protein yields
  • Helps cows reach peak milk earlier in lactation
  • Maintains normal blood calcium levels through calving
  • Fewer metabolic disorders with BIOCHLOR

Field trials showed reduced incidence of:

  • Milk fevers by 84.6%
  • Retained placentas by 65.9%
  • Uterine infections by 71.0%

Research proves BIOCHLOR increases milk yield. Fed 21 days prepartum, postpartum peak milk yield was significantly higher when cows were fed BIOCHLOR to achieve negative DCAD versus cows fed anionic salts. Degroot et al. (2010) showed that Bio-Chlor was a more effective than feeding anionic salts (2L).

Lean, I. J., T. K. M. Webster, W. Hoover, W. Chalupa, C. J. Sniffen, E. Evans, E. Block, and A. R. Rabiee. 2005. Effects of Biochlor and Fermenten on microbial protein synthesis in continuous culture fermenters. J. Dairy Sci. 88:2524-2536


Product Sheet
FERMENTEN is a feed additive developed for use in growing calves and heifers.

It is a unique source of dietary protein, containing peptides, amino acids and ammonia nitrogen, formulated specifically for use by rumen bacteria. This allows the rumen to function as efficiently as possible producing maximum amounts of microbial protein for use by the animal. This gives the growing animal the best possible chance to meet its genetic potential for growth providing all other nutrients in the diet are provided in satisfactory amounts. Success in rearing replacement dairy cows can be measured in terms of how quickly the heifer reaches mating size and consequently enters the milking herd without compromising stature of the heifer. Research shows that this objective is directly related to providing sufficient nutrient intake in a balanced ration and maintaining an active rumen.

Lean, I. J., T. K. M. Webster, W. Hoover, W. Chalupa, C. J. Sniffen, E. Evans, E. Block, and A. R. Rabiee. 2005. Effects of Biochlor and Fermenten on microbial protein synthesis in continuous culture fermenters. J. Dairy Sci. 88:2524-2536

DCAD Plus™

What’s your DCAD number?
Delivering the right source of potassium can increase ration DCAD, boost component levels and increase your profits. DCAD Plus provides stabilized potassium carbonate to help replace what’s lost through milk production. It can safely increase ration DCAD to recommended levels of +35 to +45 to help your herd reach its potential.

Recent research concluded cows fed DCAD Plus:

  • Increased fat by .35 percentage points
  • Showed milk production increases of 3.3 lbs., and fat-corrected milk increases of 8.58 lbs.


Bovatec® is an ionophore which modifies the rumen by creating a flux of ion transport across bacterial cell membranes which leads to the death of primarily deleterious gram-positive rumen bacteria. It has been shown to increase average daily gain and feed efficiency in cattle and reduce coccidiosis in sheep.


ACIDBUF is derived from marine algae and contains high levels of calcium, magnesium and other minerals. It acts as a rumen buffer, stabilising rumen pH and leading to a healthier rumen which can lead to improved production. The calcium and magnesium in ACIDBUF are bio-available and can be readily absorbed through the rumen wall or utilised by bacteria to improve rumen efficiency.