Cows should be fed a transition feed for the two to three weeks leading up to calving. A successful transition feeding program increases milk production over the entire lactation by preparing cows and heifers for the dramatic metabolic changes involved in the transition from a dry, heavily pregnant cow to early lactation.

Peer-reviewed and published studies (Milk fever in dairy cows: A review of pathophysiology and Control PrinciplesMineral and Antioxidant Management of Transition Dairy CowsEnergy and Protein Nutrition Management of Transition Dairy Cows) have shown that transition diets improve animal health by preventing acidosis, ketosis, lameness and milk fever. These studies also report reduced RFMs and assisted calvings and marked increases in reproductive performance.

Our transition feeds are high protein and low DCAD* which helps prevent milk fever and stimulates milk production in cows after calving. Our transition feeds contain Biochlor® an innovative protein meal with anionic activity developed for use in the springer cow. It is a unique source of protein formulated specifically for use by rumen bacteria.

* DCAD stands for the Difference between Cations (sodium and potassium) and Anions (chloride and sulphur) in the Diet.